Workstation Health and Safety: 3 Hints and Tips

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Your health and safety is paramount, even when you’re at the office, and while your workstation may seem like a danger-free zone, there are in fact a number of risks to watch out for. To keep your health and wellbeing in check during office hours, here are three handy hints and tips.

  1. Keep your desk organised

Organisation is key when it comes to workstation health and safety. A clear, tidy desk is a must, so if your current setup is looking a little chaotic, it could be time to make a few changes. Firstly, having piles of paper and Post It notes strewn around the place is not going to do anything for your motivation. As the saying goes, a tidy desk makes for a tidy mind, so to stay focused while you work, you should try to maintain a clutter-free workstation. Plus, stacks of paper are a potential fire hazard, and they can be a risk for slips and trips if left on the floor. So instead of harbouring your most important documents on your desk or underneath it, you should keep them organised and out of the way. There are a number of different storage solutions you could use, such as an under-desk pedestal or a filing cabinet. You may also find it useful to use a filing tray or keep a folder to hand so you can reach your paperwork easily.

  1. Invest in a supportive chair


In an office environment, it’s not unusual for employees to be expected to sit at their workstations for long periods of time, so if your role means you’re glued to your computer screen for the majority of the day, it’s crucial that you have a supportive chair. Without this key feature, you may find that your health starts to suffer, particularly your back and spine. Therefore, the seat you use should be comfortable, sufficiently padded and offer lower back support. It should be also be adjustable in terms of height and tilt so that you can alter the chair to suit you. Using a high-quality seat will ensure that your back is fully supported and help keep aches and pains at bay.

  1. Clean up regularly

The truth is, germs are lurking just about everywhere – and your workstation is no exception. From your keyboard, to your mouse, to your telephone handset, your desk can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Failing to keep your workstation clean can put you at a much higher risk of developing illnesses such as colds and stomach bugs. So if you’re keen to keep your health in check, it pays to frequently wipe your desk with cleaning wipes, and if you can, you should avoid eating food at your workstation too.

Creating a safe and healthy workstation doesn’t have to be difficult, especially if you keep tips like these in mind.

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Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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