Workplace Drug Testing: What To Do Prepare For It

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There are a number of reasons why an individual may be requested to take a drug test. If you are a job applicant who just passed an interview, you may be required to undergo the test before you are offered a position in the company. If you were recently involved in an accident, you may be required to go through a test to check for the presence of drugs; as requested by your insurance company. With so many of these reasons, all that’s left to do is to prepare for the test. And even though the use of medical and recreational marijuana has been legalized in some states, you may be involved in some trouble if you yield a positive result on your test.



Here are some of the things you need to know to prepare for a marijuana drug test:


Type of tests performed


The first thing you need to do is to know what type of test you will be getting. Usually, the drug tests that are performed to check for marijuana include a urinalysis test, hair test, blood test, and saliva test. Considering a professional testing facility is usually the one that performs the test, you will have to go to the facility and be assisted by a lab technician. There are also some cases wherein an on-site lab technician would go to the workplace to perform the test. In addition, there are some employers who purchase a home test kit so they can self-administer the test.


What to do to pass a drug test


  • If you have a month. Start detoxing naturally a month before the test. If you are generally healthy, you can easily cleanse your body naturally in just 4-6 weeks by doing some exercises and following a proper diet.


  • If you have 3-6 days. On the other hand, if you don’t have too much time to prepare for the test, the best way to rapidly cleanse your body is to use detoxification products. These can boost your body’s natural cleansing process so that the THC can be flushed out of your system in just a week’s time.


  • If you have a day. If your employer surprised you with a day left to prepare for the marijuana urine test, you can use a Same Day Cleanser so that the toxins can be flushed out of your body temporarily. You’ll have a window of around 6 hours so that your urine is clean.


These tips work best on a urine test for marijuana. If other testing methods will be used, they may not be as effective as they are intended to be. This is why it is important that you get to know what type of test you will have to take to test for marijuana. By knowing the type of test that will be performed, you can prepare more sufficiently for the test so that you will not get a positive result. But with all these tests, the best way to pass is to detox your system and by abstaining from using marijuana; unless it is for medicinal purposes.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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