What should you know about pursuing an Associate of Arts degree in Canada?

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It often happens that your college specialisation ends up deciding your future career. This is why a lot of students develop cold feet while choosing their college majors. While it might be easier if you have a strong passion for a specific subject, it can get tricky if you are interested in a lot of topics. In such a scenario, you might wish for an option that can offer you a diverse set of career opportunities.

If you are undecided on your college degree or don’t wish to spend a fortune on an expensive education, you should consider enrolling in an Associate of Arts course. This programme can develop a comprehensive skill set that can establish your career in business, social sciences or humanities.

If you are curious about an associate of arts programme and want to know more about Associate of Arts degree in Canada, this blog can be a great source of information. It lists exciting career options for you to choose from after the course completion.

What is an Associate of Arts degree?

An AA course is a short undergraduate programme for people with a high school diploma to start their careers. It is a two-year college programme that provides general skills to pursue a career in the domains of social sciences, mathematics, literature, or business management.

An AA programme can help you start working soon after your high school, switch careers or move up in your current occupation. You can also pursue the course online while working at a job. Many universities offering AA degrees provide the option to use the credits from the degree for a bachelor’s programme as well if you want to continue your education.

Why should you pursue an AA degree in Canada?

Because most AA degrees have a generalised curriculum, they provide a broad overview of different domains and provide many transferable skills that can help you adapt to your work life.

The course also provides several essential skills such as the ability to collaborate with others, research and evaluative skills, excellent written and oral communication skills and analytical skills. These skills are required in any modern profession and would help you establish a successful career in any field.

An AA degree can also provide an aptitude for creativity, mathematical skills and scientific reasoning, a sense of social responsibility and a broader acceptance for a wide variety of views on different subjects.

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What can you do with an AA degree?

With an associate of arts degree, you can begin your career without having to go through an extended college education. The course offers hands-on problem-solving skills in any job or industry. Here are a few exciting jobs that are available for you as an Associate of Arts graduate.

  • HR assistants
  • Operations executives
  • Para-legal assistants
  • Business executives
  • Media assistants
  • Social workers
  • Legal secretaries

Apart from these positions, you can also begin your career as a library associate, pre-school teacher, administrative associate, or an interpreter.

Why should you pursue an AA degree in Canada?

Canada is one of the best academic destinations in the world for college aspirants. With cities like Toronto and Vancouver being diverse cultural epicentres, pursuing a general course like AA in the country can yield a chance to imbibe the dynamic vibe of these cities.

Canadian degrees and college diplomas are recognised across the world by thousands of employers, and the cross-disciplinary education system can encourage you to pick up transferable skills that can help you achieve success in your career. Join an Associate of Arts degree in Canada today for a bright corporate career in the future.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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