What are the most sought-after and best paid professions?

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The transformations in the labour market are going so fast that what is expected today may not be expected tomorrow. Behind this dizzying change is the technical revolution we are experiencing, the effects of which are feeding off each other and multiplying. If this is the case, any young person who wants to plan his or her working life will have to think about which professions will be in demand when he or she finishes his or her training.

Studies are usually published that inform us of the trends in the labour market and in which we can see that job offers evolve a lot over time, although there are some that remain: general practitioners, controllers, sales managers, computer programmers or engineers.

But many change their profile and new ones appear. The clearest examples are the specializations in Business Intelligence, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, which are currently among the most demanded, to the point that people who are trained in them can almost certainly find work immediately.

Most demanded professions in 2020

Currently the most sought-after and best paid specialties are:

Cloud architect

It is among the most sought-after profiles in the telecommunications sector.

Cybersecurity pre-sales

This would be the professional who guarantees the protection of a company’s computer network. It is very likely that the demand for this type of professional will grow even more.

Casino croupier

The popularization of the live casino with online real money slot platforms has triggered the search for professional croupier profiles to fill the vacancies that are being offered in this growing sector.

Business development manager

It is the position most in demand in the commercial sector. It is in charge of managing the most representative accounts for a company.

JAVA Developer

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It is mainly sought by the Artificial Intelligence sector for analysis, design and architecture of the code.

Automation Engineer

It is one of the most demanded profiles in all industrial sectors.

Workplace doctor

There is much demand for this medical specialty and little supply.

Financial Controller

It is key for companies of all sizes as their growth depends largely on this position.

E-commerce manager

Retailing is increasingly done through technological channels and this type of professional knows them.

Director of people & culture

It is the most sought-after profile in the area of Human Resources. It is linked to the people and the culture of the company.

Supply chain specialist

It will be the profile most requested by companies linked to the logistics sector in 2020.

Risk analyst

It is currently the most demanded profile by banks.

Commercial lawyer

For some time to come, he’ll be the star profile in the legal profession. He’s the lawyer who deals with mergers and acquisitions.

The reports that tell us about the trends in the labour market must be read, even studied, with attention. The job search cannot be improvised.

We are living in the greatest time of change in the history of mankind. Companies need to generate Digital Leaders who know how to lead their teams to success. This digital leadership must know how to select the best professionals to carry out the digital transformation of the company. This is stated by benchmark companies such as Google or LinkedIn.

An additional difficulty is that the current academic system is not evolving at the speed that society needs. Therefore, there are enormous opportunities for private centres to be, in some cases, more agile in generating the talent that the public sector does not generate. Some organizations, because there are no specific careers, go to attitude tests and recent graduates, and in some cases in 2nd or 3rd year (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) careers.

On the other hand, there are jobs such as truck driver or store salesman that may disappear in the next 15 years.

When we talk about professions of the future, it is impossible not to think of powerful sectors that generate employment, but will the current sectors exist in a decade’s time? It is already very difficult to compare sectors, so it makes more sense to analyse so-called macro trends, i.e. global trends.

And these macro trends are fundamentally technological profiles. If you jump on the bandwagon of the future you will see that technology is breaking into our lives. It is important that we are able to manage change because companies are changing. We need to be more curious and restless. Transversal skills while retaining the personal brand. Attitude is fundamental and communication is more important every day: we need to be able to transmit and tell our project.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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