Want to Change your Career? Here are some top tips

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So, you think it’s time for a career change? Many people have been in the same predicament but have failed to succeed because they don’t know how to go about making the change. That’s why we’ve compiled some top tips to help you get ahead.

Go over your options

Before you even begin to think about your options, the first step is to decide whether or not you really want a career change. Perhaps it is simply a new job that you need, which is a lot easier than a complete career overhaul. However, if all of the signs are certainly pointing to a different sector, you’ll need to evaluate what you could go for based on your skills and qualifications. You might want to use an online self-assessment tool to answer a set of questions and see what may be appropriate.

Use social networking

Once you’ve firmly decided which sector to go for, use social networking sites such as LinkedIn to connect with people in your chosen sector. These days, establishing an online presence can really set you apart when the time comes to begin applying for your dream job. Beyond your immediate network, you’ll probably have resources at your disposal that you were unaware of. It’s important to lay the foundations of your future by reaching out to people who are already established in the profession you wish to pursue. While it’s true that networking can be hard work, seeking advice online or at industry events will prove to be a huge benefit to you throughout your job search.

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Set a goal

By now you’ll have decided on the career, you definitely want to pursue, so it’s time to set out your goals. Write a career action plan to set out your goals both in the short and long term. Long-term goals usually take around five years to achieve but don’t feel disheartened by this; you can usually fulfil a short-term goal in as little as three months. When you’re writing your plan, take note of anything that might stop you from achieving your goals such as money, family or lack of qualifications. If you’re planning on staying in your current career while you achieve your goals, you should account for this too.

Be patient

You might feel as though you’re trapped in a career that you hate, but it’s important to be aware that it’s going to take some time to change. Unless you’re lucky enough to be able to quit your current job and start again somewhere new, you have to be patient and understand what a career change truly entails. Being realistic about your wants and needs, both in the short-term and the long-term, will help you stay grounded and this way you’ll be much more likely to think logically and ultimately achieve your dream.

Don’t forget that reputable sites such as CV-Library don’t just let you search for employment opportunities. They give you advice on how to handle a career change, how to prepare for an interview and even how to ask for that promotion you think you deserve.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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