View the World as a Volunteer Nurse

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Many RNs work long and hard hours to take their nursing credentials and skills up a level by working towards an online RN to BSN degree. At the end of the program it’s time to take some time off and enjoy the world. No matter where you work, vacation time is offered as part of your benefits package so why not take your skills abroad for half of your vacation and share your gifts with underprivileged countries.

The sad truth is that there are still nations out there where healthcare is unavailable to the masses and only the elite see doctors and nurses with any regularity. In fact, sometimes the only medical attention the less fortunate get is from volunteers who give of their time, talent and resources. Why not take your BSN and spend 2 of 4 weeks volunteering in a country of your choice?

Opening Doors You Never Knew Were There

With your online nursing degree, your newly earned bachelor of science in nursing, a number of doors are going to be open to you that you never even knew were there before. Couple that with your volunteer work abroad and you will have one resume to be proud of. One of the key characteristics most medical boards of directors look for is a willingness to serve. That time spent serving the underprivileged in some of the world’s poorest nations will unlock doors, giving you greater opportunities in the jobs you prefer. You help others and in return that service adds to your portfolio of experience.

Combining Travel with Study


When taking an online RN program, many student nurses combine work with travel. It is possible to do some clinical hours under an approved medical team if they are necessary and also some universities allow life skill credits for working in the field. Whether you are an LPN studying in an online nursing degree program or simply starting at the very beginning, you may want to consider combining travel and study so that you can use your nursing skills to serve the indigent in other nations while learning much needed skills in patient care.

Most volunteer programs require you to pay your own airfare but many provide room and board on the other end. As long as there is a working internet connection, you can study from anywhere on the planet and still get credit for your online course.

Share Your Gifts – You’ve Been Given Much

Most people in the developed world complain if they can’t get into the doctor for weeks because the doctor is booked to capacity. It’s horrifying to think that some countries have no wait time as there are no doctors to see! Living in a global community as we do where you can fly from one side of the world and back again in a single day, it’s a shame that so many people go without basic healthcare that is readily available just a few hours by plane away.

Studying to be a nurse or advancing your career with a BSN? Why not volunteer some of your time and talents and see a bit of the world while you’re at it. It’s a gift to live in an advanced society so take what you’ve been given and pay it forward. You’ll never know just how much you’re needed until you see for yourself.

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Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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