Travel Broadens The C.V.: Jobs That You Can Do If You Want To Travel The World


Picture this. You’ve come back from your year abroad. You’ve traveled the globe, and you’ve seen the world. Armed with your degree, you are invigorated, and you feel like you are ready to take on a career. So you go and get one. There’s only one catch; this career doesn’t have the draw of scuba diving in Hawaii. And the only sun you see is when it sets in the distance from your office window before you leave for the evening and it starts to rain. And you then ask yourself “why am I doing this again?” The answer to that is most likely money, so you can go traveling all over again. But what if there was a way to travel the globe and have a stable career? And I don’t mean a conference once a year in Kilkenny, I mean going to different countries! There are jobs for that!


TEFL (Teaching English As A Foreign Language) staff are highly sought after, like the ability to speak English is one of the most desired skill! It’s lucky that it’s like a first language for you! In the way of qualifications, a certificate to teach would need to be acquired. But this doesn’t take as long as teacher training qualifications. It is a rewarding job as you help your students, and it allows you to travel the world easily.

Foreign Construction

Yes! You can find find construction jobs online that will help you travel the length and breadth of the world. With many construction workers sent abroad to work on projects in almost any part of the world for a few months at a time, you can move with every new project that comes up.


Flight Attendant

The most obvious one here, but the reason it is on here is due to the sheer amount of miles you will cover around the globe. As far as qualifications are required, it’s usually some experience in customer service and certification. But be warned, it isn’t the most glamorous lifestyle. The hours are incredibly long and unsociable, and you have to have the skill to deal with customer problems. But if you are a travel buff, then staying overnight in a different city before jetting off to another one may suit you down to the ground (or up in the air). Plus, you get discounts on flights for you and your family!

Au Pair

If you love children, this will be a great way to experience another country’s cultures and values. You would be based in-house with a family, and you would then look after the cooking, cleaning and house duties in addition to helping the children.

This is ideal if you are planning a gap year or you need to brush up on your foreign language skills. But there is not much free time, and the money you would earn would be minimal in comparison to a regular job. But for the experience of living life in another country, it is probably the most down-to-earth way.

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Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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