Top 10 Warning Signs You Are Being Scammed

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One of the major means of illegal source of money for people today is through scamming people. Scamming involves an attempt to fraud a person or a group by gaining their confidence. Scammers can come in different forms in order to achieve their objectives.

But how do you know you are being scammed? Here are top 10 warning signs you should look for

  • They Offer Unsolicited Offers That Are Too Good

One weakness that scammers employ in scamming people is employing the fact that people love free offers. Therefore, when you receive unsolicited offers like a free trip to Dubai or an offer to take online girls as brides, be wary. To get real girls for brides in Russia, visit .It is better to carry out your research before falling for such.

  • They Are Asking For Your Personal Details

Personal details are your personal information and you shouldn’t be sharing to any third party just anyhow. Personal details like bank details, date of birth, payment card details, insurance details etc. are expected to be protected from scammers. You should be careful of who gets access to your personal details.

  • They Keep Asking You To Pay

Scammers are most of the time after your money. You should be careful most especially if they keep asking to pay via un-traditional payment routes. Scammers can go to any length to ensure you drop your money.

  • They Ask You To Make Transactions

Scammers can be very funny at times. You can meet scammers in any place, even your new work place. If you are asked to make payment as part of your duties as a new hire, you should be very careful in such scenario. You should be paid rather than pay them.

  • They Keep Pressurizing You

Most scammers are always in haste to carry out their dubious acts. They may ask you to perform some task A or something dangerous will happen. Whenever you are being pressured or rushed, you should be careful. However, there are some of them that will take their time with you in order to achieve their aims.

  • They Keep Making Grammatical Errors

Even though some of scammers don’t make grammatical errors, a handful of them still make such method as a means of identifying potential targets. This will allow them to separate potential, gullible targets from those that may not fall into the trap easily. You can be sent a mail containing “Why You Gets Beter Russian Dating Reviews”. Be careful.

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  • They Use Questionable Email Domains or Addresses

One way scammers employed in their acts is to send you continuous mails. When you are sent such, be careful enough to check for the authenticity of the email domain. This is because some of them don’t actually make use of an authentic domain.

  • They Keep Giving Vague Answers

Scammers are usually known to provide general or vague answers to questions, most especially a professional one. You should ask plenty of simple and complicated questions in order not to fall prey.

  • They Request For Upfront or Advanced Payment

Scammers usually employ this method. They will request you to make a certain percentage of the payment in order to get your service delivered. You will get nothing once you pay. Upfront payments are usually good if there is a regulating platform.

  • They Keep Denying Physical Contact

Scammers will try all their possible best to prevent physical contact in order for you not to recognize them in the nearest future. Once you notice they keep running away from you, stay clear from them.

Scammers employ many ways in order to dupe people of their money, property or assets. Therefore, it is important to have most of their tricks offhand in order to know how to stay clear from them in the future.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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