The Best Writing Tools You’ll Find in 2022!

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Gone are the days when writers have to literally write their novels using pen and paper or a noisy mechanical typewriter. Aside from computer keyboards that make typing much faster, there are now hundreds of applications and online platforms writers can use. 

As we move forward with the Digital Age, we must take advantage of all these tools and platforms made available to us. Stubbornly rejecting advancements is how we lose our edge over newer writers.

Whether you’re writing short stories, online articles, or a novel, here are some tools you might find helpful in your writing journey!

Google Docs

Google Docs is an online collaborative word processor which allows its users to create and format documents while working with other people.

If you’ve ever lost your entire article because you forgot to save it on Microsoft Word, G Docs is for you. As long as you’re connected to the internet, any changes you make are uploaded in real-time to the cloud. That means you will never feel the anguish of losing thousands of words because of a saving fluke. Best thing? It’s free!


A grammar checking tool and paraphraser like Quillbot is a godsend. If you want your piece to be immaculate, you need to make sure you put your best foot forward and Quillbot does exactly that. There are both paid and free options available. While the premium version offers more features and advanced suggestions, I find that the free version is also enough to keep my writing nice and clean.


Writing a novel has never been easier with this tool. If you are an aspiring writer, you might want to check out NovelPad. It’s an interesting writing platform that helps novelists organize, plan, and write their novels. It has incredible features like plot boards, scene cards, character tags, even scene & aggregate analytics. Good luck with writing the next Harry Potter series!

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The Most Dangerous Writing App

The Most Dangerous Writing App exudes a lot of chaotic evil energy. If you’re one of those writers who procrastinate when writing, this app is perfect for you. Often, we open a word document then get distracted by other stuff. 

This tool deletes everything you’ve written after you stop typing after a set amount of time. You read that right. It deletes everything. Negative reinforcement has been known to help writers out of writer’s block just from the sheer pressure of having to create. Additionally, just pushing through is one of the most effective ways to break through writer’s block.

Writers need to be highly adept with words. In a sense, they must have mastery over the language. It can be tough to write longer works when you have limited vocabulary. provides its users with definitions and word usage so writers can get familiar with more profound words.

An online English-to-English dictionary may sound redundant, but writers need to expand their vocabulary to improve their writing constantly. If you’re not native to the language, this site can also help you out with pronunciation.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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