The Significance of Life and Disability Insurance

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There are numerous things in life that we have no control over. Every day you head to work or step inside a vehicle can potentially be the last day you work or even worse live, and unless you have some type of life and disability insurance, you or your loved ones will be left paying the bills. We live in a world that is very unpredictable, and that’s why it is crucial that we and our loved ones are protected. A disability can really ruin an individual’s life, and unless you get some sort of compensation, you might be left with no dependable source of income.

You might be asking yourself, why do I need life insurance and disability insurance? Well, it’s a gamble not to have some sort of coverage on yourself as there’s really no way of determining when a disaster might strike to you or a family member. It’s not only advisable to have life and disability insurance but it’s perilous to live without some coverage (Click here to see options from Pinnacle Life). Ironically, about 24% of population of New Zealand was disabled in 2013 Disability Survey, a total of 1.1 million people.



In this day and age, everyone must have heard about life insurance, but the unfortunate thing is that not everyone has it. Life insurance and disability insurance is an ideal way to combine two serious issues in one package, and it has become quite popular among the working class. If you have life and disability insurance, and you happen to get critically injured to an extent you are no longer capable of working, then you’ll either receive a single pay-out or regular pay-outs for the rest of your life depending on the terms set by your provider. As such, it is important that you do your homework so that you can land on the best deal available.

When it comes to life insurance and disability insurance, there’s really no guarantee that you will need it. The only sure thing is death, and so, it’s evident that life insurance will pay off in the long haul. Disability insurance, on the other hand, can be a gamble as you might be paying extra and end up not needing or using it. However, it is a good investment if you ever find yourself having to use it when you need some time off work to heal a severe injury or having to quit work permanently as a result of an injury. There’s really no way to convince a person that they require disability insurance, as there’s no way to ascertain they’ll need it. As such, you need to weight the risk against the rewards to decide if you need it for yourself.

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Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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