The Responsibilities of Your Security Guards

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When you want your property to be safe and secure, whether you operate a mall, apartment complex, factory or warehouse, retail store or homeowners’ association, you are going to want to make use of some type of security guard system. Having security guards on hand are going to help everyone in the area feel safe and act as the deterrent that you need to avoid problems. With that in mind, it is important that you are aware of what you should expect from your security service. Quality security guards are going to come from a service where they have been thoroughly trained to be ready for anything and perform a variety of tasks. Here are just some of the typical responsibilities you can expect from your security officers:


  • Monitoring – No matter what type of property you have hired a service for, one of the primary jobs of the guards is going to be to provide you with monitoring of the area. This can mean going out on regular patrols across the area or facility, checking parking areas, entrances and exits, storage facilities or anyplace on the property. The monitoring of the area will help to spot any potential problems before they can develop into larger issues but they also act as a strong deterrent. When potential thieves or criminals see an active security force they are less likely to try anything for fear of getting caught.
  • Communication – Communication by a security force is a critical part of the job. Not only will the guards need to be able to communicate well with each other and their own service, but they need to be able to work well with the general public as well. This means treating the residents of the building, the employees, visitors, shoppers or anyone that enters their area with the proper level of respect even under trying circumstances. You also want your guards to be able to communicate well with local authorities such as police and fire departments so that they can assist with anything when problems may arise.
  • Action – Security forces need to be ready to action on a moment’s notice when needed. This can simply be helping someone out that may need directions or has been injured, but it could also me stopping and detaining potential suspects of crimes, gathering evidence and information or helping with safe evacuation of an area if an incident occurs. A guard that is able to think quickly and intuitively and act appropriately is very important.

Knowing what to expect from your security will help you to decide on what service you may want to hire to handle your property security. As you take the time to look at the various security companies offering security services in Houston, you will find that Mustang Security and Investigations Inc. has just the staff that you need for your area. Mustang security has experienced and well-trained personnel to work in any type of facility and provide you with the effective force that you need most.

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Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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