Passive Aggressive Notes in the Workplace

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Everyone’s got that one colleague – the one who doesn’t do their fair share of the office washing up, never considers anyone else, or even just leaves the fridge door open. Maybe you’ve even got a couple of these in your office?!

Confrontation in the workplace can be a scary thing. Is it better to say outright what you’re thinking or to ignore it and get on with your job? What if it’s something that’s bothering you every single day and getting on your nerves so much it’s affecting your work?

Fortunately, we’ve found the answer to all your prayers with this infographic created by Data Label which details how best to go about leaving a passive aggressive note. Ideal for getting the message across in a friendly manner to your less than perfect workmates. Keep it anonymous so they’ll never know who sent the note – or perhaps they’ll even get the gist that the whole office has a problem with their manners – all the while being perfectly polite about it. Just make sure it doesn’t end up like this one – woops!


Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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