Online Invitations For Any Occasion

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You maybe have an event coming up. This could be any sort of event whatsoever. Maybe it’s a birthday, it could be some sort of a corporate or office event, it could be a wedding, or just an excuse to have a great party even.

For all but the smallest and most casual of events, it’s a good idea to set up online invitations. You may have not been thinking about invitations at all, or maybe you were thinking about paper invitations. But really online is the way to go these days, for so many different reasons.

Online vs. No Invites:

No Invites at all? This may in fact be ok in some very limited cases, such as when you are doing a really low-key family affair, or just having friends over. But for anything resembling a real party, having an idea of how many people are coming and getting info on each of them will allow you to plan things much more accurately and elegantly, and this is the key element in making the difference between a mediocre party and the event of the year.

Of course, you could go paper invites, but why not then?

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Online vs. Paper Invites:

If you were in fact thinking of paper invites, you can check out some of the many reasons why online is totally light years ahead of them here. But just to sum up: the cost and time involved are way lower. People RSVP and you can see it instantly. They can optionally see who else is coming. People can post eating and drinking preferences and even allergies. And perhaps the best part of doing it all online is that making changes and keeping everybody updated can be a breeze. Things like a sudden last minute change of venue would be a disaster with paper invites. With online, it’s not an ideal situation but it gets sorted out so much more easily.

You can even go as deep as have people arrange who are going to be the designated drivers online, or in general help people arrange transportation to and from. This is especially useful where the venue is perhaps a bit remote, or parking is scarce at the venue.

In conclusion, these days online invites offers the best of all worlds for you, so consider using them to plan your next party. It’s much better than the other alternatives.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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