How To Make A Good First Impression at a Business Meeting

MBA in Canada
Two business men shaking hands at international business meeting.

So you have that first business meeting lined up and you want to make a killer first impression? Here are some killer tips to get you on the right track:

1) Find a good tailor

No suit off the rack will match the fit of a tailor-made suit. I don’t care what anybody says. Labels are for suckers. Get the best tailor you can find. And while you’re at it, you can and should use the absolute best materials available. The material of your suit should suit the climate you will be in.

2) Use a non-offensive cologne

People use cologne and perfume for a good reason. But not only do you not want to overdo it, and not only do you want to choose a fragrance that goes well with your natural body oils, you also want to avoid overly artificial and overpowering substances. You’d be surprised at how many people have breathing problems or allergies that get aggravated by some of the stuff people splash on thoughtlessly. Use quality brands that use all-natural hypo-allergenic products.

3) Pick your own venue


This is actually even more important if you are the one travelling for the meeting. Show them up. Do extensive research on your destination and pick a killer restaurant for the venue, a place that impresses them in their own town and shows off just how capable you are. Give yourself the home advantage even when you are away. Try to avoid having to deal with people on their own turf.

4) Know local culture and customs

This obviously only applies when travelling, but it’s key. Just even knowing the simplest little bit of local culture and customs, even in some cases local slang where appropriate, is an amazing ice-breaker and once again demonstrates dominance, authority and capability. People absolutely love, admire and respect that little bit of extra effort when it comes to recognizing their own culture. Deals can be made often just on this one little often ignored point!

5) Show up in style

And/or pick them up in style. One technique is, if you are out of town, contract a service like Blacklane to pick them up, and be waiting for them at your destination. The fact that you took care of it with a maximum of style almost always means major points in your favor.

These tips should help make your next business meeting be a resounding success, so don’t be afraid to use them.

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Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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