Looking Professional: Your Resume is an Important Part of Your Employability

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First impressions are everything when you are job hunting. Almost always, your resume is the first introduction that a potential employer receives from you.

Employers may receive dozens, hundreds, even thousands of resumes for any given job opening. It is well-known that employers initially only spend a few seconds perusing a resume to filter out unwanted candidates.

There is no question that the pressure is on. So where do you start in crafting the perfect resume?

Not One-Size-Fits-All

Resumes will be organized differently based largely on your profession and resume builders are excellent resources if you don’t know where to start. If you are applying for a creative position, your resume is going to look a lot different than the resume for an accountant. Similarly, your content will differ greatly depending on your experience and work history. For most candidates, it is a great idea to look at a professional resume builder to get a better grasp on how you should tackle this all-important task. Resume builders will help break down the structure based on a multitude of factors including your vocation and where you are in your career.

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Quality over Quantity 

Your first instinct may be to elaborate and explain every detail of your accomplishments, especially if you do not yet have a long history working in the field. As great as the temptation may be, always keep your resume to the point. Again, the hiring manager is not going to be spending a great deal of time on each application. You need to really focus key information that stands out, offering a maximum of three additional details.

Tailored for the Job 

Even if you do not yet have a lot of experience, expect to have several different versions of your resume on hand. Pay close attention to the job description and the requirements. Try to really mirror the specific credentials that they are seeking. A great resume should immediately reflect the candidates’ qualifications for the job position. Take the time to understand the company that you are applying to, as there may also be certain elements of their overall mission that coincide well with what you can offer their team. Regardless of similarities in job title, each and every position and employer will use slightly different wording and descriptions that best represent the role. If you can weave these into your resume, it is more likely that they will view you as the ideal fit.

Writing a resume is stressful for anyone. Whether you are just starting out or you are a veteran in your field, the resume is an intimidating hurdle that everyone must overcome. Always review your resume regularly, making any additional changes or alterations as needed. Every time you apply to a new position, update your resume to best reflect the specific role that you are applying for. Professional resume builders are great tools for designing a succinct and appropriate resume for your industry and experience. Take advantage of as many resources as you can!

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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