Learning to Fly

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Famously a Tom Petty song, learning to fly can be one of the most exhilarating choices you can make. The bird’s eye view of patchwork below, the wind at your back and the sun in your face: there is no feeling like that of controlling your flight through the open airways. There are many careers which require a pilot’s license, aside from the traditional piloting. Acquiring a pilot’s license requires flying many different types of planes and thinking about weather conditions, wind speeds and various other important factors.

To be considered, you need to be at least 17 years old, and have some basics. We have a look at some of the elements required to taking to the air.


Before you can embark on any training for obtaining a pilot licence, you need to be aware that this profession or occupation has certain medical standards you will need to adhere to. Anyone wishing to apply must have a medical examination prior to being issued a license. You will also need to receive a medical certificate to validate the license.


Whilst you’ll not be required to use long division on a daily basis, you will need to have a basic understanding of mathematics to fly a plane. This comes down to understanding everything from angles to wind speed and how these factors affect your flight path and trajectory. You will need to understand different weather conditions and understand meteorology.

Where to Start


Before booking a basic pilot test, there are some comprehensive books all about aviation, such as those from Flight Store. These give a more in-depth guide to the various elements of flying aside from being a ‘good driver’, which can help you decide if a career in the air is really for you. Everything from navigation to operations procedures are factors which you may not have thought about. Studying some manuals prior to parting with the fees to commit to a full course is advisable.

What career?

Whether you are learning to fly for fun or career, it is worth knowing what careers there are for pilots. Many people learn to fly as part of the RAF or forces, and this section talks about the various options once you have a license.

Commercial airlines – flying commercial passengers from major destinations to others across the world. Usually this will be a scheduled regular route that you will learn.

Private airlines – anything from delivering goods to working for the rich and famous, a private airline can mean domestic flight or international.

Freight – air freight means the delivery of mail via aeroplanes and can be either national or international depending on who you will be delivering from.

Tourist – anything from looking at local sights form the sky to hot air balloon rides, tourist trips can be a great way to enjoy a career in flying.

There are several other options such as towing banners and test piloting. Get started today and see your career options soar!

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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