How to Grow and Develop Your Independent Business

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With an ever-increasing number of people choosing to start a business from their laptop, and run it from home, it’s unsurprising that more and more people are looking for startup business advice. It’s challenging to run a business that you have lofty ambitions for. There’s simply so much to consider, and a great deal to plan for. This article aims to demystify the experience of running a business to help you see clearly what objectives you should prioritize to make your business a growing success.

Make a Basic Plan

Setting goals is an integral part of your overall business development strategy. You may never meet your loftiest goals, but having them to aim at will inform all other parts of your business as you take on different roles and responsibilities. Some key questions to ask yourself include:

  • Where do I want this business to be in the next five years?
  • Do I want to grow this business from home into an office?
  • Do I want to manage multiple members of staff, or manage this alone?
  • Can I build a larger market share without external help?

Depending on your priorities and hopes, the answers to these questions will enable you to take the next steps towards planning a successful business future.

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Surveying Your Responsibilities

Even small, home-operated businesses require you to do a certain amount of planning around responsibilities and obligations. Primarily, these will include:

  • Your tax status and accounting for self-employed tax contributions.
  • Regulatory alignment and your ability to show you’re working within the bounds of the law.
  • Your insurance, to cover any financial disasters you might run into in the future; general liability insurance should cover the majority of these issues.
  • Data processing: new data laws around the world mean that you have to be responsible for the data your company uses.

If you’re conscious of your responsibilities and you know how to plan to ensure they’re met, you’ll have made the perfect base from which to grow your business towards a more successful future.

Growth and Investment

All companies have room for growth: the trick, with yours, is to take the initiative to invest and develop your company to bring in new customers and reach higher peaks of profit. But, you’ll find it difficult to break into new markets, or to expand your market share, without investing capital into your business to stimulate growth. 

Whether that cash goes towards marketing, sales, an increase in capacity, or an increase in products, services or stock, you’re going to need to look for funding sources if you want to see your business grow. There are multiple sources of funding out there, from simple business loans through to capital investment through funding bodies. You need to select that scheme that’ll work for you, and plan how exactly you’ll use that money in order to achieve sustained and long-term growth for your business.

These tips will help you take some certain and steady steps towards sound business management for your company in both the short-term and the long – guaranteeing a healthy, well-developed business for the future. 

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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