How to be a Great Teacher

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For every successful student, there was a diligent teacher who helped him achieve this success. The quality of a teacher goes a long way in determining how well a student will turn out. This is part of why students have favorite subjects. If you ask such a student why he loves that particular subject more, you will most likely get a response like, “Mr. John was a great teacher, who knew how to impart knowledge while refusing to give up on students”.

We realize that being a great teacher to all of your students at the same time can be a challenge because your students all have their learning preferences. But there are certain attributes that we have noticed with all the great teachers we know.

Midwest Teachers Institute was established to help teachers get fulfilled as they function at their best and help learners and students become their best.

After our interaction with great teachers and students, we have condensed most of the points they raised into five key things.

So what are these things?

Establish a personal relationship with your students

Great teachers agreed that this is the first thing a teacher should aim at if he truly wants to make any form of imparting. A personal relationship with your student opens the floodgate for the other things that are discussed herein. Once a student feels comfortable with you on a professional level, half of your job is done. He is more receptive to your efforts towards him.

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Instill passion and inspiration

When you must have established a personal relationship, you can start instilling passion and inspiration. Look for a way to endear your student to the subject, for what one loves, he pays attention to. You can tell the students the beautiful things they can do with the knowledge you are giving them. Mention notable people in that field and tell them how celebrated they are.

Maintain a positive attitude through it all

Look for a way to inject vitality and energy into your lessons. Maintain a positive atmosphere in the classroom as negative energy zaps creativity and kills passion in the part of students. Don’t give up on your students when they are not forthcoming.

  1. Try to enjoy what you do

It becomes easier and flows naturally if you have programmed your mind to enjoy it. If teaching is not a passion for you, stay away from the profession. Mechanical teaching that stems from dispassion is highly ineffective in teaching. A teacher who enjoys what he does can go out of what is conventional just to achieve his aim.

  1. Know your subject like the back of your hand.

There are a lot of things you can do to turn out great in your teaching profession, we have only chosen the few ones we feel are key.

Midwest Teachers Institute, recognize that teachers are the most important professionals out there because of the key role they play in shaping the future. This is why we go the extra mile to ensure that teachers are able to effectively carry out this noble role.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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