Four Tips to Get a Job in Marketing Faster

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Most people only go job hunting and applying when they’re out of a job. (Can you believe that some people just do it for the sport?)

With that said, when you don’t have a stable income coming in every week, or month, things aren’t very pretty. So, you have to find a job fast. And one industry where many people love what they’re doing is marketing. Every business in any industry needs great marketing to shine brighter than their competition, and that’s one of the reasons why most companies either have their own marketing department, or they just hire a marketing agency to the job for them.

Do a quick search for a recruiter near me and you’re bound to find plenty of marketing job openings to apply for.

But you have to be smart in order to increase your chance of getting hired. And that’s what we’ll focus on in this article, giving you tried and tested tips on how to get hired in a marketing position faster.

Focus on understanding the company you’re applying for.

The most important thing is that you truly understand the company you’re applying to work at. While it’s time-consuming, it’s always best to tailor your resume and application letter to each company you apply for.

This shows recruiters that you’re truly interested in working in that company. You’ve done your research and you know what the company is truly about. Not only that, but try and give suggestions on what you believe can be improved from a marketing point of view.

This makes you stand out in the eyes of recruiters as it shows you’ve done the extra work to prove you know what the company is looking for.

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Approach your job application process from a marketing viewpoint.

While this can’t be applied for every industry, it’s something that can be done for companies that are in the digital space.

It does require you to do a bit of investigative work and understand the business and the people working there. A great example of this is when Moe Levine created a Google Ad that targeted investor Mark Suster and eventually got Mark to invest in his company!

You can do something similar if you’re feeling like it. Or maybe you can just do something on a smaller scale on social media.

Create a resume relevant to the company you’re applying to.

It’s always best to write your resume in a way that’s relevant for the company you’re applying for. Let’s say you’re applying for an email marketing role. While your three years of experience as an SEO might be valuable to you, they have little relevance for the employer and the position.

Make sure you’re pinpointing things that are strictly related to the position you’re applying for and prove proof of previous work.

Try to be clear about your accomplishments.

Make sure you’re crystal clear about what you’ve previously done. Whether it would be to provide numbers, know-how, or letters of recommendation, make sure you’re clear in your communication.

Remember that the person reading your resume doesn’t know who you are or what you’ve done. You have to explain it to them as simple as possible.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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