First Job Resume Templates

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So, you are just fresh out of college/university and have yet to have a job in the career field that you have studied and majored in. The importance of having a resume is incredibly salient – as it will better help assist you in your mission in landing that dream job.

You have studied for it long enough, and now it is vital that you can “sell” yourself to potential employers.

A resume is nothing more than you selling who you are. You are showcasing what you can bring to the company or business. To guide you on the right path to creating a resume, that is out of this world, we have taken the liberty to outline four tips that will make your resume standout amongst the competition.

4 Tips to make your resume stand out:

# 1. Showcase the jobs you have done

You may think it inappropriate to place in your resume you mowed the lawn for half a year or that you were a dishwasher – but this is far from the truth of the matter. This tip allows for dialogue and shows how dedicated you were to achieve a specific goal.

Telling your potential employer that you mowed the lawn or washed dishes to get through college or to pay for books shows grit, determination, and diligence. All of which will make you stand out.

#  2. Volunteer work

In building your first job resume templates you may very much want to consider any volunteer work you have down in the past as well. Volunteer work will prove to be a great asset to you in your career hunting endeavors. Sincerity and altruism can open many doors that hard work alone won’t.

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# 3. Build up the skill that you need

This tip is essential and very helpful for you to land the career job you may want. Much like the volunteer work – if you become an apprentice or showcase specific skills that the career you are applying for needs that will better help make you stand out amongst the competition.

For example, if you are into 3-D animation simply creating a ten-second animation video will prove most valuable to you.

# 4. Tell a bit about yourself

Briefly tell what type of person you are. Understand that the hiring process is not solely about if you have the credentials. Employers want to know that you have the character and the traits that they are looking for. Are you a team player? Can you handle work by yourself? Are you willing to go the extra mile? Place what is unique about YOU, and you will be amazed at how much they will need you more then you need them.

Be yourself, unapologetically, and the opportunity it is will soar your way.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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