Financial Costs Your Business Faces with Courier Deliveries

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Using a professional courier service is vital if you want your business to be viewed well by its customers. If you fail to deliver items when your customers require them, you’ll soon lose their custom. As such, selecting the right courier and getting your deliveries right is vital. In this post, we take a look at why, including the problems your business can face if the goods you deliver are late, damaged or if they go missing. We also look at how you can overcome these problems.

Delivering Damaged Goods

If you deliver damaged goods, not only will your customers be annoyed, but you’ll also lose the money from the product and have to send a replacement, which will cost you even more time and money.

The time and money is undoubtedly problematic, but the largest problem is the damage it will give to your business’s reputation.

Damaged goods will make your customers believe that you don’t really care about the product and haven’t treated it with the care and attention that it deserves. Not only that, they’ll also believe that the product may be of an inferior quality. Always pack your packages carefully, as this will prevent damage and preserve your reputation.


Delivering Goods Late

Delivering goods late also smacks of carelessness, but it’s mainly about incompetency. Remember, it may not particularly matter to you if you deliver goods to a customer on a Wednesday rather than a Tuesday but, for them, it could cause them to miss a deadline or an event.

This will greatly damage your relationship with your customers, and it will probably result in them never using your services again, telling their friends of their negative experiences and posting negative reviews on online sites, which can further damage your business.

Missing Goods

Finally, if your goods go missing, it’s likely to cost your business a lot of time and money, as you’ll have to invest a significant amount of man hours in finding the missing goods and liaising with your customers about it.

This means that your staff can’t be going elsewhere and will cause blockages in your supply chain.

How Do I Overcome These Problems?


The easiest way to overcome these problems is to employ a professional courier with a good reputation. If you’re shipping to America, for example, you’re better off paying more for a reputable courier such as Parcels2Go rather than using a company you’ve never heard of. They’re much more likely to deliver your items on time. Although you’re likely to pay more for a professional service, it will save you money in the long run as you’ll avoid the above problem.

To conclude, damaged, lost o late deliveries can greatly damage your business’s reputation. So ensure you spend time selecting a specialist courier who knows exactly what you expect and have a reputation for excellence. The extra cost could save you money in resending parcels and recovering your reputation.

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Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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