Experience Asia on a Shoestring with a Hospitality Internship

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Love to travel but suffering from very limited funds?  Studying in the hospitality industry but want to get some real-world experience that really counts? Want desperately to see the world and broaden your horizons?

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You are not alone in this world. One option is to save up and go when you have the money, but this can take a long time, and in this economy it’s not so easy anymore. Fortunately, there are tons of other options, including the Best Hospitality Internship In Asia.

The way this particular program works is as follows: you are a student in a hotel or hospitality program anywhere in the world. You apply for an internship. Programs are typically from three to five months in duration and encompass everything about the real-life real-world day to day operations of one of their facilities, including lots of hands-on experience co-managing an actual property with one of their seasons managers who will take you under their wing and show you how it’s done, in real life.

In this industry, real experience counts as gold, and having something like this on your belt can not only be an amazing experience in and of itself, it can also be a huge resume building device.

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It should also be noted that Asia, and in particular Southeast Asia, has within its vast territories some of the biggest concentrations of wealth and fastest growing economies in the world. And the tourism hotel and hospitality industries are among the top of said growth industries. Having experience in the region will open up a whole new world of doors for you to get permanent full time employment in the region and get access to opportunities you may not get anywhere else. Combining the best of the West with the best of the East is a great strategy for landing employment way up the ladder in what are some very lucrative areas of employment.

Granted, the work is not easy, but it’s rewarding, and the jobs invariably offer unique perks that you won’t find in any other industry.

And of course, as if you needed reminding, seeing and experiencing new places, as anybody who has done lots of it knows, is one of the best experiences you can have on earth. You gain valuable personal experience, it’s extremely self-edifying, and the memories last for a lifetime, as do the stories you can tell your grandchildren.

So if you’re already studying in these industries, check out this phenomenal opportunity to take your career potential to the next level, and see incredible parts of the world while you’re doing it.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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