Career Considerations – 5 Ways to Make Yourself More Appealing to Employers


Having a degree, experience and a can-do attitude is often only part of the career puzzle. Identifying what the company needs and expects from you, and providing evidence of such experience is what seperates the boys from the men. Stop dreaming and start acting, by following these 5 pieces of advice that will get you sitting in the right chair.

  1. Get the right coaching and training

Are you ready for the role?

Employers want to see that you are dedicated and determined to reach their company objectives, as well as your own. Training and coaching shows employers you are the right candidate, while strengthening your business and leadership skills.

Companies specialising in executive coaching programs in Melbourne have seen a huge surge of coached professionals meeting career objectives and effectively leading secure and struggling businesses to success. If there are skills and qualifications standing between you and your dream job, do the research and find out if you can bridge the gap with a course of certificate.

  1. Sharpen up that Resume

Less is more.

Your resume should be a concise document highlighting work accomplishments and key skills developed. Listing your first ever graduate role might not give the impact you are looking for, so only list the previous four roles. Consider the job description you are applying for and incorporate examples of those tasks in your resume.

Poor resume layout is a common mistake for many.

You want the resume layout to flow and be quickly read by the many hands it will pass through. Avoid a photo of yourself and too many colours and fonts – remember it is a professional document and you don’t want to give any recruitment staff an excuse to toss it aside when shortlisting an enormous list of candidates.

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  1. Know the company

One of the most obvious tips, but most often overlooked.

Employers don’t care why you need a job, they care why you want this one. Do you feel passionately about the company cause? Does your experience and skillset in the industry make you the perfect candidate? Personalise your approach and the employer will get an insight into the professional you are and your application will stand above those using a blanket cover letter for all companies.

  1. Technology

When you apply for a job and go into the maybe pile, the next step is often to look at your LinkedIn profile. Your profile should be a condensed resume, with a professional and recent photo of yourself. So many people are insistent on using a good photo of themselves, but you on a night out or standing next to The Eiffel Tower isn’t really relevant in this instant.

Another way to make yourself more appealing to an employer is a digital portfolio.

This won’t be necessary for some industries, but if you have previous work, collateral, samples or projects get them online and show off what you can do. There are so many free online portfolio websites, and add a link to your work on your cover letter could be the deciding factor an employer is looking for.

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  1. Look the part

They say you should dress for the job you want. And they would be right. An interviewer wants to see that you care, that you’re taking this meeting seriously and are professional enough to put your best foot forward. No matter the position, professional interview attire gives you an immediate presence and will make you more memorable to the interviewing panel. You want them to visualize you in that role, don’t you?

It’s also a nice touch to have a copy of your resume with you, as well as the job description which you can pull out of a briefcase or work satchel. This will show that you meet the description and are prepared to have a discussion about the role.

Follow these 5 tips to get the job you deserve, and start living the life you were meant to. Remember that training and coaching is a key part of success, so invest in your future and get the expert advice to advance your career.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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