6 Things Not to Forget When You Go In For a Job Interview

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So you’ve applied for the job. You gathered your references, put together your resume, and wrote the perfect cover letter. And your work paid off: you got the interview! Now the only thing between you and the position of your dreams is impressing a hiring manager. Preparing for an interview is an anxiety-inducing affair, but some simple tips can help make things easier. Here is a guide to what you will need to impress.

Start the Prep In Advance

While the day of the interview is probably going to be the focus of your thoughts, parts of your prep routine will need to take place days in advance of the event itself. One perfect example is your hair. You’ll want to consider a haircut a few days out from the interview at the very least; shaggy or unkempt hair does not make a good impression. You might also think about taking a trip to a nail care salon to get your hands looking their best. Finally, if you are male, shave in enough time that any small cuts you acquire in the process will heal before the interview.

Do Your Research

Managers like to know that their prospective hires already have an interest in the company and the work. Spend some time beforehand looking up the business on the internet. When was it founded, and by whom? What products and services does it provide? What is its current financial state and future goals? Quick research can reveal the answers to these questions and more, and will leave you with some ammunition for the interview.

Dress for Success


Of course, your outfit is going to be a major part of how you are evaluated by the interviewer. At a professional interview, you are expected to dress professionally; most managers will be happy if they see you looking like you would if you were turning up for your first day of work. You should acquire a nice suit that fits you well; ideally, it will be tailored and in style, although not everyone can afford this. Don’t neglect the shoes, either. Good, solid shoes in a neutral color show the interviewer that you are not just some kid.

Bring Only What You Need

You’ll want to make sure you don’t bring too many things into the interview with you. Clutter, after all, can be a sign of an unorganized mind. If you normally travel with a full backpack or bulging purse, you’ll want to reconsider this on the interview day. Leave the pack in the car, and go through the purse to remove anything extraneous. Instead of your normal means of carrying important papers, consider buying a nice briefcase.

Use the Latest Technology


Technological savvy isn’t just for computer engineers anymore. While once upon a time, tech toys were a sign of the Silicon Valley elite, now the latest gadgets are de rigueur for any young professional. And for good reason — new technology lets you be productive in a wider variety of environments and situations than ever before. Your interviewer needs to see that you are comfortable with technology, and your personal gadget configuration is a key sign. Having a smartwatch and the latest hot smartphone such as the Galaxy S7, with its brilliant, large screen and ultra-slim body, lets your employer know that you keep up to date.

Take Care of Yourself

On the day of the interview, you are likely going to be nervous if you are at all interested in the position. When we are nervous, there is a tendency to neglect basic things like having a full breakfast. Be sure you don’t do this; you’ll need the energy to keep you going during the interview. At the same time, beware of over-caffeinating yourself going into the event. Too much coffee, while certainly delicious, can make you overly energized and twitchy. Having the right energy level is a balancing act; just try to think of what would be acceptable to you and plan your meals and drinks around that.

Before you know it, the interview will be over and you can return to your status quo. And, if you follow the tips in this guide, you can do so with the assurance that you put your best foot forward.

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Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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