5 Ways You Can Earn the Loyalty of Your Colleagues

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Loyalty is one of the things which you can’t take forcefully; you have to earn it.


In a workplace, you can’t achieve everything all by yourself. If you’re setting bigger goals, you need to work with more people. The bigger problem is not looking for these people, however. It is earning their loyalty, without which you can’t expect to have a reliable and productive team. After all, the success of your team depends on how dedicated each employee is in completing individual tasks.


If you’re working in HR, you need to be able to know just how to develop among your staff. To help you out, here are some suggestions.


Create a good plan for your hiring process.

Hiring employees normally lasts long, so you shouldn’t worry if the process is taking much of your time. Hurrying wouldn’t help you. In fact, it might cause more harm. In order to find the right person, you need to be selective. Candidates that you have screened well tend to be more loyal.


How do you screen candidates? First of all, you need to equip yourself with the right tools. If you’re looking for a platform that will connect you to a large number of candidate profiles and investigate the current market workforce, you can visit SignalHire at www.signalhire.com. Secondly, you need to ask for their experience. If they have samples of their previous work, then you should ask for it, too. Also, don’t forget to screen the candidates’ personalities and values.


Give each member a chance to grow

People usually search for growth. You can motivate them by giving them a chance to improve their skills. You also need to give them the opportunity to advance in the workplace. Offer promotions to those who deserve it. This will make them realize their value in the team. Once you’ve satisfied their need for personal growth, you’ll find that there’s less chance that they will leave.


Listen to your staff’s concerns

In order to work harmoniously within a team, everyone must communicate their concerns to one another. However, the staff will rarely raise their complaints and issues to those who are in a higher position. That is unless you make them feel that you are open to their comments. Listen to what they have to say, but don’t stop there. You also need to resolve their concerns.

The best thing you can do as a leader is to boost your team’s morale by solving or helping them overcome their struggles in the workplace. However, you won’t be able to do this all the time. If you find that you can’t solve a member’s problem yourself, give them advice and show your support. However, do not give them false assurances.


Leave positive comments in public and negative ones in private

While you can’t always publicly praise people, you have to do it at least once in awhile, especially if a member has accomplished a big project. You will boost the member’s morale and motivate the others to work harder.

On the other hand, if you’re going to reprimand someone, make sure that you do it in a place where there’s only the two of you. You don’t want to shift the focus from the issue towards the person. Also, try to avoid saying that it’s the person’s fault. Be objective in giving your feedback, and allow him or her to explain his or her side.



You can’t expect your members to offer you their loyalty right away. You must give them time to cope up with the working environment. However, if you follow the suggested tips above, you are sure to get it in the end.

Written by
Jeremy Kaplan

A 50-something year old lifestyle, career, and education blogger based in Atlanta, Georgia. Years of experience in the office setting working with others and still loving it year-after-year.

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