There are 3 definite components that you need to have a successful remote team. For one, you must hire the right people to work remotely. Secondly, you will need to implement good processes and third, you should utilize helpful tools to keep productivity high. Without solid pointers, both components can seem daunting to handle. However, with the help of this post, things should be made clear enough for you to successfully put together a solid remote team and churn out good work.
Hiring the right people to work remotely
You want to be able to trust the people you hire to work for your business. This is especially true for people you hire to do remote work on your behalf because you will not see them in an office. When hiring for a remote team, the most important factor you want to consider is the candidate’s attitude. In order to find a remote worker with a good attitude, you should be sure to cast your net wide, use a multitude of interview techniques, only seek out self-motivators, and finally put them to the test!
Helpful tools
Since there is no office, the tools you use for your remote team can make or break your team. Generally, in the sense of remote work, tools typically translate to the software you and your team uses to get the job done. An example of a good tool you might use for your remote team is Google Drive, which allows your team to easily collaborate on documents. Tools can even include what you use to keep in contact with team members, such as Skype or Google Hangouts.
Other tools you might consider using are Pivotal Tracker and Doodle. Pivotal Tracker allows you to plan projects straightforwardly. It also allows you to manage these projects and make sure your remote team is sticking to deadlines. Doodle can help with your team organization by using a poll session to determine the best time your remote team members are available for a meeting.
Don’t sleep on the machines that make everyday work and communication possible. Set aside a budget covering repairs and replacements of laptops and other applicable equipment. This allocation can include money to buy computer accessories, like multiport adapters, in order to help streamline day-to-day work.
The hub can have multiple USB ports, including HDMI to connect an external monitor, memory card readers, and other features, depending on your team members’ needs and their laptops, too.
Implement good processes
Good processes keep your remote team organized and running efficiently. Good processes also keep employee productivity high. An example of a good process is having regular conference video calls. These video calls allow your employees to e-meet the other people they work with. Through these conference video calls you can also establish clear guidelines and announce and reaffirm training opportunities.
Truth be told, solid training opportunities for remote employees is just as essential as ensuring they are productive. But as we all know, providing sufficient training to remote employees can prove difficult. Fortunately, the professional people over at have solid eLearning opportunities you can use to help provide good training opportunities for your remote employees.

Running a remote team provides unique challenges. Since your team is not in the comfort zone of an office setting, a lot of these presented challenges can prove scary at first. As long as you hire the right people, use solid tools, and have good processes in place for your team, being successful is not so hard! If you need even more tips on managing a productive remote team, be sure to check out #ManageRemote!